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The Blogs.
This is where i write about stuff whether its happing or whatnot, Horray
Bleeuauurfu – 4/5/2024 4:23 PM PDT

Bleueueoeieoeooe Hey guys it's Been 8 Months since i last made my post and I Dont knoe what to say I'll try to say something

Basically i added something to the site a few months after i made  that blog post it's a Gallery you already seen it with all the photos around here and stuff has changed i think 

Oh yeah i also changed the about  section to just a picture too so thats cool i guess. 

Mneeh ive been getting back to a 3ds games too so thats cool ig Umm i dont know what else to say i could say what stuff i got during the past 8 months but i think that is an Unnecessity so Umm yeah im gonna go now Bye bye

Ack – 8/4/2023 12:29 AM PDT

I should probably make a thing where all my vids and stuff can be seen from this website. But it would be too much work. I would have to update the html and upload the html and video to the website hosting site. Darn.

Oh – 6/24/2023 12:58 AM PDT
"will i ever regularly use this again? we may never know..." ~dillon's blog post 11/5/22

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe not

Cards?! – 12/5/2022 9:55 PM PDT
People are making cards apparently, so here is my card i guess!

Overdue blog – 11/11/2022 6:46 PM PDT
Haven't used this thing for a while, I should start using this more frequently. Dunno what else to say so uhh have this
Self-explanatory - 5/9/2022 9:55 PM PDT
Blog entry with image and video in it! – 2/1/2022 10:54 PM PDT

Okay maybe not

Also I upgraded to windows 11 lol screw you guys I don’t care what u think

Can’t make up my mind – 1/10/2022 10:10 PM PDT
Upgrading to Windows 8.1 and then having to start over to install Windows 10? Aaargh! I'm pretty sure I’ll stick to Windows 10 for now. Windows 10 also gets rid of those white bar problems I had when I had Windows 7. I guess the UI I choose with the system doesn’t matter anymore. Because at the end, you can’t use any newer software because Uh oh You need a New .Net thingy to run it But it wont run Anyway because U needa nother one lo9Lolo>L anyways this is the last day before winter break ends and I have to go back to school. Now I have to get my sleep schedule right and do work now. Great. Tbh I’m kinda happy about the sleep schedule thing, I don’t want to eat breakfast and lunch at the same time
I don't need a virtual machine anymore - 12/21/2021 9:35 PM PDT
Turns out word 2000 runs well on Windows 7. But those white areas spawn and I have to scroll to get rid of them. Other than that, it's going well!
Maybe Win11 was right? – 12/13/2021 3:57 PM PDT
I noticed that Windows 11 was a bit slow and then I randomly thought, “what if I downgraded to Windows 7 lol” and that’s what I did. Only problems I had were VEGAS and VMware. And that is that
Computer switch – 12/8/2021 9:48 PM PDT
Soo a few days ago I got that desk I wanted for that iMac and began doing the bootcamp stuff for it. Eventually I transferred all my stuff to that iMac and I am currently using it as I type this. Eventually I decided to upgrade it to Windows 11 despite it not being supported but screw you Windows 11 I do what I wanna do! So yeah that’s that
Today’s my birthday – 11/28/2021 9:17 PM PDT
Today is my birthday I got an hand-me-down 2013 iMac as my present (for the most part) and it was a good birthday Im 14 now
Windows 11 release happened - 10/8/2021 4:24 PM PDT
Windows 11 just got released 3 days ago, and I thought that Windows 10 would be the last OS ever. But no there is a New windos we lied about thr service thingie. So, now that Windows 11 is out, and I can’t experience it for myself (although I’ve been able to through a VM), what are my thoughts for it? To be honest, I don’t think I’ll mind or care using Windows 11 whenever I get a new computer or something. Not even the personalization and the taskbar settings (talk about a guy who’s mostly been using Windows 10 for most of its windows adventure). If it doesn’t make my computer slow, then I don’t mind. If it does then I’ll mind definitely 
What is 9 + 10? – 9/10/21 9:10 AM PDT
…Hello? Can you hear me? – 9/2/2021 8:23 PM PDT
While I was gone for the past 6 days, I’ve been messing with my Windows XP computer more. I haven’t been able to use my laptop because it’ll be slow. I’ve been waiting for a replacement charger and fan for my laptop. While the charger did work, the fan did not fit physically. So, we’re gonna have to get a new fan. But this aside, I’ve still managed to make some videos there and collect some files too by downloading it, especially the Windows 20th theme pack that’s been recently archived. Can’t wait to extract the files from the screensaver (NOBODY STEAL MY IDEA). I’ve also gotten a theme patcher (sp3 is literally 1984), and I’ve been having a wild time with themes. WINDOWS 11 RUNNING AT AN OLD COMPUTER? IMPOSSIBLE! NO WAY BRO!! So, yeah. Also I forgot this site is more than a month old god dangit why did I miss that
My CPU fan died – 8/26/2021 8:27 PM PDT
Absolutely unrelated to all this charger and battery stuff. All I did was just bang my table for a couple of times and heard my fan going “blulullulluulluuluuu” like it just stopped spinning. And then it got slower which I expected so I tried restarting, and nothing happened. Then later when I came back to it after doing stuff I restarted it again only to see a screen going “Your CPU Fan is not responding properly”. So, that’s a problem. I told my brother about it and he was like we get a new fan or we get a new computer. My dad didn’t know what to do about this. I guess I’m gonna have to deal with this. The keyboard is hot as I’m typing this my god I gotta get this problem solved fast
Computer Update – 8/22/2021 1:01 AM PDT
So, it’s been 10 days since I’ve made that blog post. I’ve figured out how to make the laptop perform nicely, which is letting the laptop decide the performance longer and keep it plugged in. It’s not really bad now, but the only downside of it is voice chatting with friends. I’ve gotta be in another room so I could voice chat with them otherwise my parents would get annoyed by me and would tell me to stop. I’ve now have to use my phone just to voice that but then using a phone gets boring fast. I’m not sure what causes boredom with a phone, I guess it’s gotta be the limitability. I cannot run most applications there like what I have with my computer does and don’t have any files on hand. Discord won’t use the Google Photos feature thing so I’ve gotta get to photos, download the picture, and send it. But even then, the apps that have this Photos ability won’t let you search for photos like what it looks like or the filename. So yeah, I don’t know how long I’m gonna keep using this laptop. Maybe a couple more months I guess. I might probably switch to the iMac when my dad gets the newer model (the one we have right now is like 8 years now and still functions properly, goodness). And I would like to mention, whenever the laptop gets to sleep mode and I wake it up the CPU is like way up into the sky and it disconnects itself from the internet connection for some godforsaken reason and I’ve got to restart it. I have to go through the “YUR WATAGE TYPE IS UNREGOCNIABLE” screen and then connect to the internet in the lock screen (so I don’t have to deal with that later) and wait for it to load up. And I’ve gotta close that Escargot thing because barely nobody uses it anymore (no offense). It gets annoying really fast. So like I said, I don’t know how long I’m gonna keep using this laptop. Until then, I’m gonna have to deal with this.
My computer sucks. – 8/12/2021 11:39 AM PDT
I’ve had this laptop for over 2 years and it’s finally hit a snag. The laptop won’t even recognize its own charger, so what does it do? It cuts the CPU performance in half making things slower. Everytime I try to join in a call with my friends it’s always distorted audio. I could just keep it unplugged so it could perform faster, but like I said, its over 2 years old. What else do you want me to say? I can just only imagine what school would be next week. Oh boy. Thanks Dell. Expecting to get the iMac next week.
WHYYYYY – 7/30/2021 10:33 PM PDT
I was working on the gallery and then added an image in the 2020 section, BUT THEN REALIZED I GOTTA DO THE WHOLE LINKS TO PHOTOS ALL OVER AGAIN WHYYY GOD WHYYYY
My website is so cool – 7/26/2021 11:54 PM PDT
My website it so cool and you guys cant deny it. No proof otherwise. Hahahahah lol aaugh its almost midnight what am I doing



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